With 200 children in our care and more than 2,000 students between our two campuses of the BCI Academy as well as multiple buildings to maintain, there is never a shortage of ministry needs.
A pair of sturdy shoes to protect a child's feet.
A clean outfit that fits well and gives a child confidence.
Body wash and laundry soap to keep a child clean.
Backpack to help a child carry books to and from school.
A month of extra grain support for an undernourished child.
A one-year supply of daily vitamins to improve a child's health.
Blanket and pillow to give a child a clean place to rest.
Laptop to help with studies.
Month of fares to help a child who lives far from school.
Supplies to help a widow earn her own income.
Dental products and checkups to create healthy smiles.
Rent support to keep a family in their home.
Paper and pencils to help a child succeed in school.
Supplies to support a child with special needs.
A comfortable place to rest, complete with bedding.
Year of tuition to attend the BCI Academy.
First aid products for use by the school nurse.
Transport, doctor's visits, labwork, and more.
Repairs to keep the BCI Academy clean and safe.
Gift-matching to supply computers to the schools.
Email: info@blessingthechildren.org Phone: 1 (888) 269-2719
Blessing the Children International2265 Fraser RoadKawkawlin, MI 48631